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FPS Celebrate 5 Years!

Happy Birthday! This month, all of us at Future Proof Shipping are celebrating our 5 year anniversary! We marked the special occasion with a small drinks reception to toast our proud moments with key people and organisations that have helped us tremendously along the way. This was followed by a fun team dinner with our families. As our Founder, Huib van de Grijspaarde put it, we started as a consultancy to help ship and cargo owners get to zero, and somewhere along the way we ourselves became a shipowner to prove it could be done. While we can’t celebrate a…
18th November 2022

Future Proof Shipping selects Ballard fuel cells for FPS Waal

Future Proof Shipping (FPS) has selected Ballard Power Systems to provide PEM fuel cells for the retrofitting of its second inland container vessel, the FPS Waal. Once the project is complete, the vessel will operate emissions-free, powered by green hydrogen fuel. Powering Technology This agreement will see the 109,8 x11,40 x 3,53 m FPS Waal receive six FCwaveTM modules. As a result, the vessel will have a fuel cell capacity of 1.2 MW. As the world’s first DNV type-approved fuel cell module for marine applications, FCwaveTM uses proven technology from Ballard's heavy-duty module platform to deliver reliable performance, high power…
1st November 2022

FPS Maas Sails to Shipyard for Retrofit

We’ve arrived! It’s now time to make shipping history! Celebrations are in order this week as our inland vessel, the FPS Maas, made her final voyage on diesel and an internal combustion engine from Belgium to Rotterdam. The container ship arrived at the Holland Shipyards Group shipyard in Werkendam on Monday. And finally, after years of hard work and preparation, the retrofit to a zero-emission vessel can begin! Over the coming months, the engine will be removed, and a hydrogen and fuel cell propulsion system will be installed.
1st September 2022

FPS Waal follows in the wake of the Maas…

FPS Waal, the second inland container vessel we added to our fleet of inland vessels, is progressing on its zero-emissions journey thanks to the continued support of the Interreg North Sea Region. Work on the Zero Emission Ports North Sea - ZEM Ports NS projects is speeding up as we head towards the retrofit of our first inland vessel, FPS Maas, to 100% green hydrogen power and now the FPS Waal will benefit from a pre-paved path towards zero-emissions shipping.
13th July 2022

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Fabrication Commences

A rare glimpse into the fabrication of a hydrogen fuel cell for our FPS Maas! When developing sustainable technology, everything is new. This makes the process of creating a zero-emissions ship a challenge, but it’s never dull. Together with our partners Koedood Marine Group, Nedstack Fuel Cell Technology and Kooiman Marine Group we are currently in the midst of preparing our first fuel cell system for its Factory Acceptance Test (FAT).
10th June 2022

Press Release: Future Proof Shipping Joins FLAGSHIPS Green Hydrogen Project

Future Proof Shipping (FPS) has joined FLAGSHIPS, a leading European innovation project, to bring the shipping company’s second zero-emissions inland container vessel, the FPS Waal, to Europe’s waterways. FPS will strengthen the FLAGSHIPS consortium and expand its green hydrogen-fueled fleet with the addition of the FPS Waal to the project. Collaborative operations are set to commence this year with the vessel sailing on green hydrogen by summer 2023.
8th February 2022

FPS Engages Air Liquide for the Supply of Carbon-free Hydrogen to FPS Maas

Future Proof Shipping (FPS) has signed a long term agreement with Air Liquide (AL) for the supply of carbon-free hydrogen to their inland container vessel, FPS Maas, which is transporting containers between the Netherlands and Belgium. As part of the agreement, Air Liquide will supply carbon-free hydrogen through specially designed multi-modal hydrogen storage suited for inland barges. The newly designed storage will be homologated with the support of notified bodies and will pave the way to make this new market a reality.
8th December 2021

A greener than green future for all

Zero-emissions shipping is here! We are opening up zero-emission container slots and making zero-emissions shipping accessible to everyone. Cargo owners and shippers can book now to ship their cargo in zero-emissions container slots along the Rhine with us in 2023. Zero means zero.
21st October 2021