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Following in the wake of our FPS Maas (now H2 Barge 1), the FPS Waal has just sailed its last inland voyage on a diesel engine!

The container ship arrived at the Holland Shipyards Group shipyard in Werkendam this week, where its retrofit to a zero-emission hydrogen-powered vessel will commence! ♻

In order to sail 100% emissions-free, all the vessel’s internal combustion engines will be removed and a new fully zero-emissions propulsion system, including PEM fuel cells, hydrogen storage, battery packs and an electric drive train will be installed. Over the coming weeks, the main engine and generators will be removed and the new fuel cell section and battery room inside the cargo hold will be installed.

We proudly share this moment with our dedicated FPS team, HSG, Ballard Power Systems, and our partners and supporters at the Port of Rotterdam, Expertise- en InnovatieCentrum Binnenvaart (EICB), Zero Emissions Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs), WaterborneTP, NSHyMap, RH2INE, and NCE Maritime CleanTech.

This project was made possible with funding support from Interreg North Sea Region Programme (Zero Emission Ports North Sea – ZEM Ports NS), Flagships H2020 Project (Clean Hydrogen Partnership), and Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).

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